Speaking of flattery, the order for my Sherpani Iris backpack, not mentioned by name in the last post, was cancelled by the purse web site - they didn't have the Pebble color I ordered. Bummer! At least they gave me $10 off my next order. I decided I'd look around in real-life a little more before placing an order for a different color. For $55.00, the cuteness can wait. Besides, in the meantime I had ordered a new camera backpack...not quite the Caddillac of camera backpacks, but close...the Lowepro Fastpak 250!
Why is it so great? Well first and foremost, you can carry it like a backpack, but sling it off one shoulder and hold the pack sideways to open the camera compartment in a jiffy. My current backpack is really too small to hold my Cannon while it's wearing the wide-angle pants, and I have to take the pack off all the way in order to get the camera out, or to change the lens - a royal pain in the toucas. As a result, most of the time I end up having 4+ lb. camera tugging around my neck even when not in picture mode, just to have it at the ready. (That, and it looks goofy! Bermuda shorts and visor, anyone?!)
The other most important feature for me is that it holds a laptop, which I will need to process my pictures while on the road, and of course, to blog! The Fastpak is the only camera backpack that I could find that had both of these important features. I was sure I made the right choice by choosing the "smaller" of the Fastpack models.
Now I'm second guessing my choice, since even though the laptop compartment fits a widescreen laptop, we're only bringing a mini notebook. That's alright though, cuz we'll need room for the lappy power pak, along with all of the other gear for the Cannon - extra batteries and charger, card reader, filters and lenses, the video camera and cords, phone, ipod, kitchen sink...even though we won't want to carry all that stuff around all the time, it all still needs to get there in the first place.
I tell myself it'll be fine. Mike will carry the backpack. I most likely will still have the camera tugging at my neck, but at least the new pack will hold all of that other junk, so that we can lose it all at once.
As I've so aptly illustrated, second guessing creates panic. Panic is worry on steroids, and "Worry is a misuse of the imagination." No sense in worrying about it. You can do your best, but you can't plan for absolutely every situation, such is Life. Carpe Diem anyway.
Perhaps the Sherpani in the Canyon color...